Beyond Myths and Legends a Narrative History of Texas Chapter Review

Beyond Myths and Legends:
A Narrative History of Texas

Detailed Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Dorsum to Texas History Catalog

Before European Contact

  • Modern Deoxyribonucleic acid Studies and the Native Americans
  • Midland Minnie
  • Into the Western Hemisphere
  • The Paleo-Indian Culture
  • The Primitive Historic period
  • The Woodland Era and the Agricultural Revolution
  • The Mississippi Cultural Tradition
  • The Celebrated Era
  • The Caddos and the Wichitas
  • The Atakapas and the Bidais
  • The Karankawas and the Coahuiltecans
  • The Jumanos
  • The Plains Indians
  • Myth & Legend�The Start Texans: The Debate Continues
    • Suggestions for Further Reading
    • Identification
    • Multiple Option
    • True/False
    • Matching
    • Essay Questions
Chapter 2

Back to Texas History Catalog

The Spanish Invasion of Texas, 1519-1821

  • Early on Spanish Exploration Of Texas
  • Francisco V�squez de Coronado and Hernando De Soto
  • French Interlopers and New Kingdom of spain's Response
  • A New French Threat
  • Continuing Castilian Colonization: Expansion, New Institutions, And Retraction
  • Economic Developments and Demographics in Frontier Texas
  • Urban Evolution
  • The Last Years of Spanish Control
  • The Mexican State of war of Independence (1810-1821)
  • American Filibusters
  • Myth & Fable�The Lady in Blue
    • Suggestions for Farther Reading
    • Identification
    • Multiple Choice
    • True/Faux
    • Matching
    • Essay Questions
Chapter 3

Dorsum to Texas History Catalog

Mexican Texas, 1821-1835

  • The Austins
  • The Federalist Victory and the Emergence of Guadalupe Victoria
  • Empresarios, American Settlers, and Tejanos
  • Commonwealth of Fredonia
  • The American Immigration Issue
  • The Centralist Return and the Undeclared Texas Revolution
  • Return of the Federalists
  • The People of Mexican Texas
  • Santa Anna'south Coup
  • Myth & Legend�Multiculturalism in Early Texas
    • Suggestions for Further Reading
    • Identification
    • Multiple Option
    • Truthful/False
    • Matching
    • Essay Questions
Chapter 4

Back to Texas History Catalog

Texas Revolution (October one, 1835-April 21, 1836)

  • Causes of the Revolution: An Interpretive Nightmare
  • The People's Revolutionary Army
  • Winning the Fight
  • Santa Anna's Invasion of Texas
  • "Think the Alamo!" "Retrieve Goliad!"
  • Houston's Retreat and the Runaway Scrape
  • On to San Jacinto
  • Germination of the Texas Democracy
  • Myth & Fable�The Yellow Rose of Texas
    • Suggestions for Farther Reading
    • Identification
    • Multiple Choice
    • Truthful/False
    • Matching
    • Essay Questions
Chapter five

Back to Texas History Catalog

Nativity of a New Republic, 1836-1845

  • Problems with the Republic
  • The Provincial Government of the Republic of Texas
  • Houston'south First Assistants
  • Lamar's Administration
  • Houston'south Second Administration
  • Looting to the Us
  • Myth & Legend�The Legend of Sam Houston: His True Intentions for Texas
    • Suggestions for Further Reading
    • Identification
    • Multiple Choice
    • True/Faux
    • Matching
    • Essay Questions
Chapter 6

Back to Texas History Catalog

The 28th Country in the Spousal relationship, 1845-1861

  • Bug with Statehood
  • New Mexico-Texas Purlieus Dispute and the Compromise of 1850
  • Advantages of Statehood
  • Indigenous Groups and Slaves in Texas
  • Social Classes
  • Texas Social and Cultural Life
  • Texas Politics in the 1850s
  • Texas Secession
  • Myth & Legend�Slavery as a Chivalrous Establishment
    • Suggestions for Farther Reading
    • Identification
    • Multiple Choice
    • True/Fake
    • Matching
    • Essay Questions
Chapter vii

Back to Texas History Catalog

Texas During the Civil War, 1861-1865

  • Initial Actions of Texans
  • Why Did They Fight
  • Training for War
  • Fighting East of the Mississippi River
  • The Invasion of New United mexican states
  • Fighting in the Trans-Mississippi Theater
  • Desertion and the Last Battle of the Civil State of war
  • The Texas Dwelling Front
  • Texas Women During the War
  • Internal Dissent
  • Defending the Frontier
  • The Terminate of the War
  • Myth & Fable�Divided Loyalties: Texans and the Confederacy
    • Suggestions for Further Reading
    • Identification
    • Multiple Selection
    • True/Fake
    • Matching
    • Essay Questions
Chapter 8

Dorsum to Texas History Itemize

Reconstruction in Texas: The Unfinished Civil War, 1865-1874

  • Presidential Reconstruction
  • The Inflow of Federal Troops
  • The Agency of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abased Lands
  • The Provisional Government
  • Congressional Reconstruction
  • Constitutional Convention of 1868-1869
  • Violence and Guerilla Warfare
  • Governor Edmund J. Davis and the Republican Land Government
  • The Cease of Republican Government in Texas
  • How Should We Remember the Reconstruction Era?
  • Myth & Legend�Texas Under the Terrible Carpetbaggers
    • Suggestions for Farther Reading
    • Identification
    • Multiple Selection
    • Truthful/False
    • Matching
    • Essay Questions
Affiliate nine

Back to Texas History Catalog

Economic and Political Reforms, 1874-1890

  • Railroad Development and Its Bear on on Texans
  • Other Leading Industries
  • Labor Unions
  • Agriculture: The Mainstay of the Economy
  • Texas Ranches and Ranchers�the Cattle Industry
  • Democratic Reign in State Politics
  • Agrarian Organizations and Challenges to Democratic Hegemony
  • Conclusions
  • Myth & Legend�African Americans and Voting in the Tardily Nineteenth Century
    • Suggestions for Further Reading
    • Identification
    • Multiple Option
    • Truthful/Fake
    • Matching
    • Essay Questions
Chapter ten

Back to Texas History Catalog

The Populist Movement, 1890-1900

  • Foundations of the People's Party
  • Governor Hogg and the Democratic Response to Populism
  • The Elections of 1892: A Promising Showtime
  • The Elections of 1894: Sustained Hopes
  • The Elections of 1896: The Concluding Drape Call
  • Populist Women
  • The Finish of the Motion
  • Myth & Legend�Women'due south Political Participation in the Late Nineteenth Century
    • Suggestions for Further Reading
    • Identification
    • Multiple Option
    • True/Fake
    • Matching
    • Essay Questions
Chapter 11

Back to Texas History Catalog

Lodge and Civilization, 1874-1900

  • Population Demographics
  • Living and Working Conditions
  • Urban Growth
  • Health
  • Entertainment
  • Faith
  • Teaching
  • Women
  • Lawlessness and the Texas Rangers
  • The Concluding Destruction of the Plains Indians
  • The Trials and Tribulations of African Americans
  • Mexican Americans and European Immigrants
  • Literature and the Arts
  • Decision
  • Myth & Fable-�African-American Landownership in Texas During the Decades Following the Civil War
    • Suggestions for Farther Reading
    • Identification
    • Multiple Selection
    • True/False
    • Matching
    • Essay Questions
Affiliate 12

Back to Texas History Itemize

The Progressive Era and World War I, 1900-1919

  • Texas: Population and Economic Demographics
  • Urban Growth and the Galveston Plan
  • Texas Politics: Early Progressive Era
  • Texas and World War I
  • Women and the Vote
  • Minorities and the Progressive Movement
  • The Bulldoze for Prohibition
  • Myth & Fable�A Strange Tale from the Galveston Hurricane of 1900
    • Suggestions for Farther Reading
    • Identification
    • Multiple Selection
    • True/False
    • Matching
    • Essay Questions
Chapter 13

Back to Texas History Itemize

The Rising of Urbanization, Expanding Opportunities, and the Invisible Empire, 1920-1929

  • Economical Developments: Industry and Agronomics
  • Farm Women
  • Tejanos
  • African Americans
  • The Growing Cities and Urbanization
  • The "Invisible Empire" Appears in Texas
  • Klan Violence and Reaction
  • Governor Pat Neff
  • The Klan Enters Politics
  • The Klan Seeks the Governorship
  • Governor Miriam Ferguson
  • Governor Dan Moody
  • Myth & Fable-�The 1920s as the "Roaring Twenties"
    • Suggestions for Further Reading
    • Identification
    • Multiple Option
    • True/Faux
    • Matching
    • Essay Questions
Chapter fourteen

Back to Texas History Catalog

The Great Depression and New Deal, 1929-1940

  • Arrival of the Peachy Low
  • Governor Ross Sterling
  • The E Texas Oil Smash
  • The "Cotton Vacation" Program
  • The Return of the Fergusons
  • Texas Influence on the New Bargain
  • Immediate Relief Efforts
  • Work Relief
  • A New Deal for Youth
  • Agricultural Recovery
  • Agricultural Aid and Reform
  • Industry and Labor
  • State and National Politics
  • Evaluation of the New Deal
  • Myth & Legend�The New Deal equally Socialism Forced Upon Reluctant Texans
    • Suggestions for Further Reading
    • Identification
    • Multiple Pick
    • True/Faux
    • Matching
    • Essay Questions
Chapter 15

Back to Texas History Catalog

World State of war Two and Texas, 1941-1945

  • The Roots of War
  • Synopsis of the War
  • Texas Military Installations
  • Texans in Compatible
  • Wartime Voluntarism
  • The Texas Wartime Economic system
  • Wartime Politics
  • The "Greatest Generation" Returns Home
  • Myth & Fable�Texan Doris Miller Shot Down Numerous Japanese Planes During Pearl Harbor Raid
    • Suggestions for Further Reading
    • Identification
    • Multiple Choice
    • True/Simulated
    • Matching
    • Essay Questions
Chapter xvi

Back to Texas History Catalog

On the Threshold of Modernization, 1945-1959

  • Postwar Manufacturing
  • Changes in Agronomics
  • Postwar Urbanization and Suburbanization
  • Tejano Civil Rights Activism during the 1950s
  • African American Civil Rights Activism during the 1950s
  • Texas Politics during the Beauford Jester Years
  • Governor Allan Shivers
  • Politics during the Late-1950s
  • Into the 1960s
  • Myth & Fable�Lyndon Johnson Stole the 1948 Democratic Party Nomination for a U.Due south. Senate Seat from Coke Stevenson
    • Suggestions for Farther Reading
    • Identification
    • Multiple Choice
    • True/False
    • Matching
    • Essay Questions
Affiliate 17

Back to Texas History Itemize

The Turbulent Decade: Reform and Reaction, 1960-1972

  • Early 1960s Texas Politics
  • Early 1960s Civil Rights Activism
  • The Kennedy Assassination
  • Johnson's Great Society and the Vietnam State of war
  • Black Political Gains and Late-1960s Activism
  • Tejano Activism during the 1960s
  • Governor Connally and Late-1960s Country Politics
  • Myth & Legend�Members of a Vast Conspiracy Killed President John Kennedy in Dallas
    • Suggestions for Further Reading
    • Identification
    • Multiple Pick
    • Truthful/False
    • Matching
    • Essay Questions
Chapter 18

Dorsum to Texas History Catalog

A Transitional Decade, 1972-1979

  • Prelude: Tom Landry�Texas Sports Icon
  • The Sharpstown Scandal
  • Texans and Watergate
  • Post-Sharpstown Politics
  • Ramble Convention
  • La Raza Unida Party
  • Women's Rights and Political Representation
  • Oil Growth in the 1970s
  • Growth of New Industries
  • Ranching and Farming
  • Texas in Literature, Television, and Film
  • The Influence of Texas Musicians
  • The Rise of Major League Sports in Texas
  • A Decade in Transition
  • Afterward: Tom Landry Finally Wins the "Big One"�and Many More than
  • Myth & Legend�Myth of the Citizen-Legislator
    • Suggestions for Farther Reading
    • Identification
    • Multiple Choice
    • Truthful/False
    • Matching
    • Essay Questions
Chapter 19

Back to Texas History Catalog

Complex Times, 1980-1994

  • Prelude: The Waco Siege
  • Texas and National Politics
  • 1980s Land Politics: White, Clements, and Education Reform
  • Ann Richards and Early 1990s Land Politics
  • Decline in the Oil Industry
  • The Northward American Costless Trade Agreement
  • Post-Common cold War Base Closures
  • The Growing Tech Industry
  • Environmental Issues
  • The Death of the SWC and the Ongoing Attraction of Texas Football game
  • 2 Texas Tragedies�Stevie Ray Vaughan and Selena
  • The Emergence of a New Texas
  • Aftermath: Apocalypse in Waco
  • Myth & Legend�Myth of the Oil Industry
    • Suggestions for Further Reading
    • Identification
    • Multiple Choice
    • Truthful/False
    • Matching
    • Essay Questions
Chapter 20

Dorsum to Texas History Catalog

The Dawn of a New Century, 1995-2013

  • Prelude: A Terrorist Assail in Texas
  • Politics During the Bush Years
  • Early Xx-get-go Century Texas Politics
  • Public Transportation and Infrastructure
  • A Domicile for High-Tech Industries
  • The Enron Scandal
  • Tourism, Sports, and Entertainment
  • Education
  • Criminal Justice Issues
  • Mixing of Cultures
  • Immigration
  • A Series of Catastrophes
  • Harder Economical Times
  • Aftermath: The War Abroad Hits Home
  • Myth & Legend�Myth of the Cowboy Culture
    • Suggestions for Farther Reading
    • Identification
    • Multiple Pick
    • True/False
    • Matching
    • Essay Questions

Appendix I

Appendix II



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